17 Nagar Vans are being established near cities and towns. It will enhance the green cover in Urban and Peri-Urban Areas: LG Manoj Sinha

17 Nagar Vans are being established near cities and towns. It will enhance the green cover in Urban and Peri-Urban Areas to provide clean and healthy environment to the dwellers of Urban Centres. Sustainable Development & Environment Conservation is our priority. Protection of natural resources is in the DNA of our society, our culture. With the whole of government approach, we are making honest efforts to address the challenges of climate change.
It is high time we realize that our rights over natural resources are temporary. We have to respect and restore the delicate balance between economic development and conservation of forests and environment.
It is in the interest of environment and our future generations to synergise development with the natural resources for sustainable development. We need to protect, preserve and restore our ecology, our biodiversity for sustainable living.