Collection of Water Taxes: Employees salary for the month of April in Jammu Distt subject to cash receipt from Jal Shakti Deptt!!!
The letter from DC Jammu to Chief Education Officer Jammu forwarded in original to all the Principals/ZEO’s/Headmasters of district Jammu for information and necessary compliance in letter and spirit regarding collection of water taxes from the Hydraulic wing of Jammu reads that
“It has been found that most of the employees along with the general public have not deposited the water taxes for the Financial Year 2023-24. It is as such requested that a circular may be issued for all employees within Jammu District to deposit annual water taxes before 30th March 2024. The salary for the month of April 2024 may be released after receiving clearance produce cash receipt from the Jal Shakti (PHE) Department Jammu.”
SE Hydraulic Wing of Jammu.

The letter from DC Jammu reads that
“As received from the office of the Superintending Engineer Hydraulic Circle, Jammu on the subject cited above. In this connection, you are required to adhere the request made in the letter and take appropriate necessary action.

Now it is presumed that the salary for the month of April 2024 of the employees may be released after receiving clearance produce cash receipt from the Jal Shakti (PHE) Department Jammu