13th Meeting of Heads of National Statistical Offices (NSOs) of BRICS Countries for Release of Joint Statistical Publication (JSP) 2021 and JSPSnapshot 2021


  1. The 13th Meeting of Heads of National Statistical Offices of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) Countries was held in virtual format under the Chairship of India on 28th October 2021. Dr. G. P. Samanta, Chief Statistician of India and Secretary, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI), Government of India chaired the meeting. The meeting was attended by representatives from the National Statistical Offices (NSOs) of BRICS Countries.
  1. During the meeting, the Joint Statistical Publication (JSP) 2021 and JSPSnapshot 2021 for BRICS Countries werereleased. The first chapter of JSP 2021 provides a general information with comparable statistics of the five countries, while the other 14 chapters reflect the different aspects of the past development and current status of the individual countries. In addition, NSO India has also brought out the first BRICS JSPSnapshot 2021, a shorter version of BRICS Joint Statistical Publication, 2021, for engagement of wide range of users, as per the agreement by the member countries.
  1. The theme of meeting was “NSOs efforts in monitoring Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” wherein speakers from BRICS NSOs highlighted efforts taken so far as well as future plan in terms of data and methodologies in monitoring of SDGs.
  1. The BRICS Heads of NSOs acknowledged the importance of collaboration and exchange of best practices on a regular basis to bridge the data gaps to support policy makers in evidence-based decision making.
  1. The Reports JSP 2021 and JSP Snapshot 2021 are available at https://mospi.gov.in/.