Exp Observer, DEO Samba and SSP Samba will visit the border areas tomorrow: Objective is to ensure free, fair, and transparent Assembly Elections-2024 in the Samba district

Samba, September 7:In a significant step towards ensuring free, fair, and transparent Assembly Elections-2024 in the Samba district, Expenditure Observer Karthik Manickam M, District Election Officer (DEO) Rajesh Sharma, and SSP Vinay Kumar will visit the border areas tomorrow. The visit will commence at 8:30 a.m. from Bari Brahmana, with a primary focus on overseeing the security and electoral arrangements along the border regions, which are critical to maintaining transparency during the election process.This visit follows a detailed inspection conducted by Expenditure Observer Karthik Manickam on the preparations for the upcoming elections. The DEO had briefed the Observer on the district’s geographical challenges and the planning undertaken by the administration and police to ensure fairness in all three assembly constituencies of Samba.Accompanied by key officials, including ADC Jagdish Singh and election monitoring teams, the Observer will assess the readiness of the security forces and the arrangements in place to uphold the integrity of the election process in the border areas.Yesterday, Nidhi Gupta, Nodal Officer for Election Expenditure Monitoring (EEM), had updated the Observer on the strategies being implemented to monitor candidates’ election expenses, ensuring compliance with expenditure limits and guidelines.This border visit is expected to provide a comprehensive review of the security measures, election control rooms, and other infrastructure critical to the smooth conduct of the election in the sensitive border regions.