1. What is the highest mountain in Africa? A. Mount Kilimanjaro B. Mount Kenya C. Mount Meru D. Mount Elgon Answer: A

  2. What is the capital of Brazil? A. Rio de Janeiro B. Brasília C. São Paulo D. Salvador Answer: B

  3. What is the longest river in Europe? A. Danube B. Volga C. Rhine D. Seine Answer: B

  4. Which country is both in Europe and Asia? A. Turkey B. Greece C. Russia D. Italy Answer: A

  5. Which ocean is the largest? A. Atlantic Ocean B. Indian Ocean C. Pacific Ocean D. Arctic Ocean Answer: C

  6. Which country is located in the southernmost part of the African continent? A. Zimbabwe B. South Africa C. Kenya D. Tanzania Answer: B

  7. Which continent is the smallest in terms of land area? A. Australia B. Europe C. South America D. Antarctica Answer: D

  8. Which country is the largest in terms of land area? A. Russia B. Canada C. China D. United States Answer: A

  9. Which country is the largest in terms of population? A. India B. China C. United States D. Russia Answer: B

  10. Which is the largest desert in the world? A. Sahara Desert B. Gobi Desert C. Arabian Desert D. Antarctic Desert Answer: A

  11. Which is the smallest country in the world? A. Monaco B. Vatican City C. Liechtenstein D. San Marino Answer: B

  12. Which river flows through Paris? A. Seine B. Thames C. Danube D. Rhine Answer: A

  13. Which is the world’s highest waterfall? A. Angel Falls B. Niagara Falls C. Iguazu Falls D. Victoria Falls Answer: A

  14. Which country is known as the Land of the Rising Sun? A. China B. Japan C. Thailand D. South Korea Answer: B

  15. Which is the highest peak in North America? A. Denali B. Mount Logan C. Mount Saint Elias D. Mount Foraker Answer: A