1. Who is the founder of Facebook? Answer: Mark Zuckerberg

  2. In which year was Facebook founded? Answer: 2004

  3. What is the full form of IPO in the context of Facebook? Answer: Initial Public Offering

  4. What was the original name of Facebook? Answer: Thefacebook

  5. In which year did Facebook go public? Answer: 2012

  6. How many active users does Facebook have as of 2023? Answer: 2.91 billion

  7. Which social media platform has the second highest number of active users after Facebook? Answer: YouTube

  8. What is the name of Facebook’s virtual reality headset? Answer: Oculus Rift

  9. Which country has the highest number of Facebook users? Answer: India

  10. Which company did Facebook acquire in 2012 for $1 billion? Answer: Instagram

  11. Which programming language was used to create Facebook? Answer: PHP

  12. What is the name of Facebook’s cryptocurrency? Answer: Libra (now called Diem)

  13. Which company did Facebook acquire in 2014 for $19 billion? Answer: WhatsApp

  14. What is the name of the Facebook feature that allows users to live stream video? Answer: Facebook Live

  15. What is the name of Facebook’s personal assistant AI? Answer: M

  16. Which social media platform did Facebook launch in 2020 to compete with TikTok? Answer: Reels (on Instagram)

  17. What is the name of the non-profit organization founded by Facebook’s founders to promote philanthropy? Answer: Chan Zuckerberg Initiative

  18. What is the name of the Facebook feature that allows users to buy and sell items locally? Answer: Facebook Marketplace

  19. What is the name of the Facebook feature that allows users to create and join groups based on shared interests? Answer: Facebook Groups

  20. Which feature on Facebook allows users to express their reaction to a post with different emoticons? Answer: Facebook Reactions.