Assistant Commissioner Revenue Samba Organizes Sensitization Camp in Sadoh Border Village

The Assistant Commissioner Revenue (ACR) Samba, who also serves as the Collector for land acquisition for Border Outpost (BOP) 8 (135ft), organized a sensitization camp in Sadoh, a border village under the supervision of DC Samba, Abhishek Sharma. The camp aimed to educate the local residents about their responsibilities as vigilant citizens and the necessity of verifying all outsiders through the concerned police station.During the camp, residents were informed about the mandatory verification process for outsiders, including those renting or temporarily staying in the village for purposes such as agricultural labor. The ACR emphasized the importance of being aware of their surroundings and ensuring the safety and security of the area.Additionally, the camp provided detailed information about the compensation process for land acquired for BOP 8 (135ft). The rightful claimants were informed about the disbursement of compensation. It was clarified that in cases of family disputes regarding the apportionment of compensation, the amount would be deposited in court until resolved.The local residents were also briefed on the individual and community bunkers available in their village and were sensitized on the actions to take in case of any untoward incidents or emergencies. The concerned Lambardar was directed to form a group of local villagers to report any emergency cases at the border and to provide first-hand information to the competent authorities.