Big breaking Div com Jammu Ramesh Kumar and ADGP Jammu Mukesh Singh in a joint press conference deliberated about the smart metres and Sarore toll plaza
YRS members will release if Civil Society takes their Gurantee

In a joint press conference Div Com Jammu and ADGP Mukesh Singh address the media and delebratef on the issues of smart metres and Sarore toll plaza and the release of your Rajput Sabha members who were detained by the police. On the issue of smart meters Div Com Jammu addressed the media about the 5 points raised by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. He deliberated in detail about these 5 points and also about the smart metres working. He told the media fraternity that these smart metres they have been installed all over India. On the issue of Sarorr toll plaza ADGP Jammu Mukesh Singh told that a team of national highway authority is coming to Jammu within 2 days and he will ses the situation and relief may be given to the people.
On the issue of the detention of Yuva Rajput Sabha members ADGP Jammu Mukesh Singh said that the issue of Sarore Toll Plaza was raised by many organisations. First of all it was raised by local BJP cell and they have press conference regarding this and they give their memorandum to LG. Transport Union and Bar association Jammu have also represented their demands to the LG Administration. That’s why LG Manoj Sinha communicated their demands to the national highway authority of India.So all these organisations are using the right platforms but the Yuva Rajput Sabha they have taken the wrong path. They assured that there demonstration will be peaceful but later there is Breach of Peace. On the first day the demonstration was peaceful after that they blocked the National Highway & done stone pelting also. So they were arrested according to the law and the breach of trust on their part. He said that this is not acceptable then and also not in future. On the query raised by some media persons about their release, he said they can be released if the Civil Society takes their guarantee/ surety that they remain peaceful. They will not block National Highway and there shall no be breach of trust, they can be released. One of the media person raise the issue of some persons of Rajput Sabha who were on hunger strike in Samba. He said this issue is already addressed by the statement given by him, if civil society takes the Gurantee, everything will be normal. On the issue of the call given by the chambers of commerce and industry, he said their concerns are already taken care of so they have no need to go on strike.