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Recently, India and China troops clashed along the Yangtze river in Tawang sector in Arunachal Pradesh. There are certain areas along the LAC in the Tawang Sector that are areas of differing perception and China reportedly has been building infrastructure on its side. It is part of the Chinese Salami Slicing tactic or Cabbage strategy. It is a strategy of acquiring new territories, at the expense of its neighbours ,under this China tests the other claimants through aggressive actions, then back off when it meets significant resistance. In this context ,the government will construct NH-913 new frontier highway in Arunachal Pradesh within the next five years. It will boost seamless movement of defence forces and equipment to the border. It will also cater to developmental needs and well-being of people living in border areas. Other Programs for improving border infrastructure – Vibrant Villages Programme: Construction of village infrastructure, housing, tourist centers, road connectivity. The Border Area Development Programme: Balanced development of border areas and promotion of a sense of security among the border population. Smart Fencing in India (CIBMS).

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