District Level Monitoring Committee (D-MC) meeting held regarding Saturation drive for FPOs for 03 months in district Samba

Shri Abhishek Sharma, IAS, District Development Commissioner, Samba chaired District Level Monitoring Committee (DMC) on 03.07.2024 to plan for launch of campaign and to sensitise all stakeholders regarding Saturation drive for 03 months to facilitate FPOs to enhance their business activities with emphasis on assisting them in obtaining various licenses like Input, Seed, Mandi, GST, FSSAI and On-boarding on platforms like ONDC and other E-retailing platforms for sale of their produce. It is also suggested to encourage banks to provide loan to FPOs for their credit requirements. This would further, provide a supportive ecosystem to farmers for sustainable income oriented farming, hassle free inputs, enhance productivity through efficient & cost effective resource & realise higher returns through better processing & market linkages.
DC Samba advised all the stakeholders to organise camps for FPOs during the month of July 2024 wherein CEO & all FPO Board members should be invited. Directors of FPO may also be invited in the all the Public Darbar & Block Divas held in the district or block to hear their perspectives and issues. They should also be informed & sensitised about the various schemes & programmes of departments, bank linkage schemes etc. The concerned departments should assist FPOs not only in filling of applications but till issuance of licenses. DC Samba also advised to complete the issuance of licenses within the stipulated time so that they are handed over to FPOs before 14 August 2024.