Illegal picking of Bovines in & around Samba: Worried citizens made a distress call

In a horrific incident, a CCTV footage of illegal picking of Bovines from an under construction site at Bantalab in Samba has surfaced in which many people are seen trying to catch the hapless bovines in the night by putting noose on their horns. It is also more sensational that Bantalab is in the middle of Samba town & it is really very daring to come there in the night by the bovine smugglers.
Even more terrific is the carrying of weapons by the smugglers as seen by the spectators from their houses.
On the condition of anonymity, some spectators who are female told that the smugglers carried weapon with them. As it is a very horrific, terrific & dastardly incident, the worried citizens have made a distress call & called all the people to come at Old Samba Fort at 6.30 pm today to discuss the matter & plan the future course of action as their assets are also in the danger & it may lead to an unfortunate incident.

From the footage it seems that the criminals have no fear of Law of the Land.