NLCIL Awards 2400 MW Thermal Power Project in Odisha to BHEL
Project to Come up in Jharsuguda District ; Environ-friendly latest Technology to be used
Tamil Nadu, Odisha, Kerala and Puducherry to be Benefitted with low cost Power

NLC India Ltd, a Navratna Company under the Ministry of Coal, has awarded the EPC contract to BHEL to set up a Pit Head Green Field Thermal Power Project of 2,400 MW capacity (3 x 800 MW – Stage I) at Jharsuguda District in Odisha, after inviting competitive tenders under ICB route. The project is based on Ultra Super Critical Technology. The entire power of 2400 MW is tied up with the States of Tamil Nadu, Odisha, Kerala and Puducherry and PPAs to this effect already executed.
The contract scope includes engineering, manufacturing, supply, erection and commissioning of equipment such as boilers, turbine, generators, balance of plants, FGD and SCR for 3 X800 MW- 2400 MW Stage –I.
For this thermal project, the coal linkage is available from 20 million tonne per annum (MTPA) Talabira II& III mines of NLCIL which is already operational from 2020 in Jharsuguda and Sambalpur Districts of Odisha. The water required for the project is linked from Hirakud Reservoir and the power generated will be evacuated through ISTS and STU Network.
The project will come up with latest pollution control equipment like FGD and SCR to meet the MoEF guidelines. Boilers will be designed to suite the co firing of Bio mass as part of Green initiative in line with Ministry of Power guidelines along with Bio Mass handling systems.
The first unit of the project is scheduled for commissioning during the financial year 2028- 29. Being a Pit Head Thermal Project, the variable cost will be Competitive and NLC India, will be generating & providing low-cost power to its beneficiaries.