Scuffle broke out between workers of the PDP and the AIP in the Balpora area of Shopian: Minor injuries to the workers

A scuffle broke out between workers of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) and the Awami Itihad Party (AIP) in the Balpora area of Shopian, South Kashmir, on September 8, 2024. The clash left several workers from both parties with minor injuries. The police have taken cognizance of the incident and reported both parties for violating the Model Code of Conduct (MCC) during this pre-election period. It is pertinent to mention that Jailed Er Rashid’s led Awami Itihad Party (AIP) is also in the election fray & giving tough pitch to other parties.
The confrontation occurred about 4 km from Shopian town, with tensions flaring during campaigning. Authorities are investigating the situation, and the MCC violations are expected to lead to further scrutiny from the election commission.