SSP Jammu recommends strong action against vehicles continuously indulging in bovine smuggling

Jammu, 09.05.2024: Continuing its drive to eradicate the menace of bovine smuggling under operation Kamdhenu, the Jammu & Kashmir Police took strong action against vehicles continuously indulging in bovine smuggling.
In this regard SSP Jammu Dr. Vinod kumar-IPS wrote to the Transport Commissioner J&K to take appropriate action against vehicles used for bovine smuggling in three or more than three cases.
20 vehicles were identified,involved in several bovine smuggling cases & multiple FIR’s have been registered against them under relevant sections of law in various Police Stations of Jammu District. Bovine smuggling is an
alarming threat for disturbance of peace / tranquility as it has tendency to flare up communal tensions & many times due to this menace, situation turns unpleasant.
Therefore, it important to curb such menace and to take administrative action against the vehicles by blacklisting such vehicles which are being repeatedly involved for such illegal transportation. The Police Station wise list of vehicles and cases registered against such transportation has been shared with the office of Transport Commissioner J&K for further course of action.
It is pertinent to mention here that J&K Police is very particular regarding curbing menace of bovine smuggling on all the fronts.In Jammu District from 01.01.24 to 30.0425, five smugglers involved in repeated offences of bovine smuggling have been booked under PSA(Public Safety Act) so far.