SVEEP awareness drive was conducted at Kandhari Beverages in the SIDCO complex

Samba, August 23, 2024: In a proactive effort to engage the working community ahead of the upcoming Legislative Assembly elections, a SVEEP (Systematic Voters’ Education and Electoral Participation) awareness drive was conducted at Kandhari Beverages in the SIDCO complex. The drive was led by the District Nodal Officer for SVEEP, Ms. Ekshu Sharma, and the Assistant Labour Commissioner of Samba, Ms. Himani Jerath. The initiative aimed to make workers aware of the electoral process, emphasizing the importance of voting and the role each individual plays in shaping the democratic future.During the session, Ms. Sharma and Ms. Jerath discussed key aspects such as checking voter registration status, understanding the significance of each vote, and the special provisions available to ensure that all workers have the opportunity to participate in the election. The drive was well-received, with active participation from the workers, who expressed their commitment to exercising their democratic rights.In addition to this, a focused SVEEP awareness drive was also carried out by the Nodal Officer for Samba Assembly Constituency (AC-70), Ms. Sheetal, who is also the Child Development Project Officer (CDPO) Samba. This drive targeted various Anganwadi Centres (AWCs) within the constituency, with a special emphasis on encouraging women voters to take an active role in the upcoming elections.Ms. Sheetal led interactive sessions at the AWCs, educating women on the voting process, the importance of each vote, and how to register as a voter. The sessions aimed to empower women and encourage them to participate fully in the democratic process. The response was overwhelmingly positive, with many women showing enthusiasm and a newfound understanding of their electoral rights and responsibilities.These initiatives are part of a larger effort by the District Administration to ensure comprehensive voter education and increased voter turnout, particularly among women and the working class. The drives align with the Election Commission’s commitment to fostering an inclusive electoral process where every eligible voter is informed, empowered, and motivated to vote.