Tenders are going to open for many roads for rectification of black spots, crash barriers and night reflectors in samba Distt: Indoor Stadium repair is also in the row

Tenders are going to open for many roads for rectification of black spots, crash barriers and night reflectors in Samba Distt. According to the sources, tenders of Gurha Utterbehni, Link road Rarian, link road Thandi Khui, Smailpur Badohri Road, Kaluchak Purmandal road, Raya Morh, Samba Mansar Road, Samba Sumb Road, Sarthian to Sial via Chachwal, Samba-Pangdour road, link road to Balouri, Link road to Raipur Camp. Link road Rakh Kangwala to Kullian, Link road to Chakla Camp, Link road to Sordi, Link road to Sadoh, Link road to Manohar Gopala, Link road to Stala Camp, for all these the tenders will be open on 28th of August & within a week or more the work will be alloted to the contractors. Most of the work is related to rectification of black spots by way of installing crash barriers, sign boards, parapets, night reflectors for the benefit of commuters. According to sources DC Samba Abhishek Sharma has done hard efforts & taken keen interest in these projects for the welfare of the general public.
Similarly the tender for the repair of Indoor stadium at Samba will be open at 6th of September & work will be alloted in a week or more. Repair of Indoor stadium is the demand of the sportsperson & has taken by heart by the Samba Administration so that they (sportspersons) don’t suffer anymore.