Three Months long training programme under DYTE concludes in Samba

Three Months long training programme under DYTE concludes in Samba

DC samba interacts with trainees asks to inculcate a disciplined life to embark a successful life

435 youths including 319 male and 116 female candidates trained, 04 selected as Agniveers, 19 qualified physical for BSF

3 months’s training program under District YouthTraining & Empowerment Centre (DYTE) Samba concluded today at all the nine block level training centres established for imparting physical and academic training to the rural youth for entry to armed/paramilitary and other related jobs . 

DYTE is an initiative of District administration Samba in collaboration with Mission Youth Department J&K wherein 435 trainees including 319 male and 116 female candidates were trained by a team of Physical instructor (Male), Physical Instructor (Female) , Academic Instructor, Data entry operator hired by district administration at each block for entry to various jobs. Till date 4 trainees undergoing training at these centres have been selected as Agniveer and 19 candidates have qualified the physical test for BSF, and are preparing for academic test.

Ms. Anuradha Gupta , Deputy Commissioner Samba during her todays visit at Purmandal DYTE centre, interacted with the trainees and motivated the youth to adopt disciplined approach for achievement of their career goals. She said training received during the 03 months DYTE programme shall be beneficial for youth for not only in Army or other paramilitary recruitment but also in living a successful & meaningful life. She congratulated all the trainees and master trainers for successful completing & conducting the training programme. 

The officials from J&K Sports Council and District Youth & Sports department briefed the trainees about the techniques for qualifying the physical examination for armed and paramilitary jobs.

Assistant Director Employment Samba counseled the trainees about different career options and completive exams required to be qualified for entry to such jobs.

BDO Purmandal, officials from other departments were also present in the programme.