Tractor Union Calls Off Strike on Assurance from DDC Vice Chairman Balwan Singh and Other Leaders

The tractor union in the Sumb area has called off its strike following assurances from DDC Vice Chairman Balwan Singh, BDC Chairman Ramesh Singh, Mandal Pradhan BJP Sumb Balvinder Singh, and senior BJP leader Nishu.
Tractor owners had initiated the strike on June 17, in response to prohibitive actions by the mining department, which barred them from taking secondary minerals from the Sumb area. The tractor owners reported that they faced exaggerated fines if they did not comply. They emphasized that the secondary minerals were being used for local development projects and personal needs within the Sumb area.
On the assurance from the aforementioned leaders, the strike was called off. DDC Vice Chairman Balwan Singh stated that since the tractor owners were not transporting secondary materials to other blocks but using them solely for local development and personal requirements, he would discuss the matter with the district mining officer to grant permission for the continued use of secondary minerals from the Sumb block for local purposes.