District Level Monitoring Committee (D-MC) on formation and promotion of Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs)

District Development Commissioner, Samba, Abhishek Sharma chaired District Level Monitoring Committee (D-MC) meeting on 17 May 2024 which was attended by Smt Champa Thakur, ADDC Samba, Shri Mehmood Riaz Khan, Officials from Agriculture & Allied Departments and DDM NABARD.
At the outset, DDM- NABARD gave a brief introduction on the scheme for formation & promotion of FPOs under CSS along with its objectives & benefits. The house was also apprised that National Cooperative Development Cooperation (NCDC) has been assigned the task of implementing agency to form an FPO in Sumb block of Samba district for which Jammu Central Cooperative Bank (JCCB) has been appointed as its Cluster Based Business Organisation (CBBO).
DDC Samba underscored that it’s a good opportunity for the farmers of Sumb block, being one of the aspirational block in the district, to come together under the umbrella of FPO for better opportunities in terms of quality, timely and hassle free input requirements along with better marketing facility for the farmers for their produce and finally resultant in better price to the farmers. As mushroom is being cultivated by good number of farmers and also ODOP product of district Samba, therefore, it was proposed to take mushroom as primary crop of FPO along with Citrus fruits for formation of FPO fin Sumb block for generating the income cycle of farmers throughout the year.
DDC Samba along with members of D-MC also visited Seed Multiplication Farm at Balore in Nud block of the district wherein functioning of mushroom compost unit & cropping unit was reviewed by worthy DDC and advised the officials to ensure benefit of the mushroom unit should reach to the farmers in time.