Militants Ambush Pilgrims Bus En Route to Shiv Khouri: 9 Feared Dead, 33 Injured

Shiv Khouri, June 9, 2024— In a tragic incident, militants ambushed a bus carrying pilgrims to the revered Shiv Khouri shrine, resulting in the deaths of nine individuals and injuring 33 others. The attack occurred early this morning as the bus traversed a remote section of the route.Eyewitnesses reported that the heavily armed assailants opened fire on the bus, causing chaos and panic among the passengers resulting the driver of the bus lost control & the bus fell into the gorge. Local authorities and emergency services rushed to the scene, providing immediate medical assistance and transporting the injured to nearby hospitals. The area has since been cordoned off, and a search operation is underway to apprehend the attackers. Officials have condemned the attack, labeling it a heinous act of terrorism aimed at disrupting communal harmony and instilling fear among the populace. “This act of cowardice will not go unpunished,” stated SSP Reasi Mohita. “We are committed to ensuring the safety and security of all our citizens and will bring the perpetrators to justice. She said according to initial reports, they are not locals. They ambushed the bus that is going to Katra from Shiv Khouri. The driver lost the control & the bus fell into the gorge.” She said the shrine has been secured. The rescue operation has been completed. “The injured are receiving treatment, with several in critical condition. The identities of the deceased have not yet been released.This attack comes as a stark reminder of the ongoing security challenges in the region. Authorities have urged the public to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities.As investigations continue, security measures have been heightened across the area to prevent further incidents and ensure the safety of those undertaking the pilgrimage to Shiv Khouri.