Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution
Department of Consumer Affairs completes Special Campaign 3.0 on Swachhat
The Department of Consumer Affairs (DoCA) conducted Special Campaign 3.0 from 02.10.2023 to 31.10.2023 under the guidance of the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances. The Department’s subordinate offices (Regional Reference Standards Laboratory (RRSL) & Indian Institute of Legal Metrology (IILM)), attached office (National Test House (NTH)), autonomous body (Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)) and National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC) being statutory body and National Cooperative Consumers Federation (NCCF) actively participated in the campaign.
The Special Campaign 3.0 started with a preparatory phase from 15th September to 30th September 2023 during which the targets were identified. During preparatory period, Shri Rohit Kumar Singh, Secretary, DoCA visited various divisions of the Department to review the preparation of Special Campaign 3.0 in which he gave specific directions and guidance.
In the Special Campaign 3.0, across India, 3465 employees from 98 offices has actively participated. The Department, along with BIS, NTH, NCDRC, NCCF, RRSL and IILM conducted 172 campaigns which included 31 outreach programs at nearby parks, markets, schools, etc., comprising of distribution of pamphlets to the public to create awareness about avoiding the single-use plastics, holding essay writing competitions on cleanliness in schools, cleaning of office premises, beautification of office (lighting, coloring of walls, placing saplings, etc.), clearing of bushes around the office, planting trees, etc.
During the campaign, the department achieved 100% of the targets in disposing of 994 public grievances, 1585 PG Appeals and weeding out 6814 physical files. Through the disposal of old materials, e-waste, old furniture, etc., an amount of Rs.19,32,521/- has been mobilized by all the offices put together, due to which an area of 2270 sq. ft. has been freed.

Campaign at school by BIS, Pune branch

NTH, ER, Kolkata outreach program at market

BIS, Lucknow outreach program at school

RRSL, Varanasi awareness program at market area